Sunday, August 7, 2011

Made in the Red, White and Blue

Diane Sawyer of ABC news recently did a series entitled “Made in America”.   They shared facts such as 90% of toys sold in the US are made in China. We were shocked. We know toys sold here are imported from other countries as well, which means less than 10% of our toys are made in America.  We started looking at all the products in our homes. Made in China-Made in China-Made in Hong Kong.  Even the mandarin oranges we fed our kids were products of China.  And we know that other countries do not have the same regulations as American made products.  So shouldn’t we question if over 90% of our products are safe?

What does this mean for our job market here in the US?  We found a statistic which stated that if we each spent $64 more a year on American made products when available, it would create 200,000 new jobs a year.  Wow- that is a lot of jobs! We are not 'anti-importing' products made in other countries.  We understand that it is not realistic to throw out everything and only purchase “made in the USA” products.  But if we have the chance to buy crayons made in America vs. another country, why wouldn’t we?  Buying American when we can helps us do our small part to help our job market grow. 

Most modern parents do not have the time to look through every product on the shelf trying to find one that is ‘made in the USA’?  This is where our idea started.  Why not create a blog where we show you products that are made right here in the US and make it easier for you to shop ‘made in the USA’.   We plan to not only show you the product, but also let you know where you can find it to purchase.  That way it will be more convenient for you to help do your part!            

1 comment:

  1. I love this. MADE IN THE USA!!!!
    So thankful to live in the U.S.A where anything is possible.


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